Summer is here and you might have some extra time off on your hands. After a while, you might even get bored and don’t really know what to do. There is plenty to do, you just need a bit of inspiration.
Here are 100 things to do when you’re bored in the summer:
1. Rest – just recharge your batteries for the next weeks to come
2. Observe nature – stop time and just appreciate the beauty of a flower or a tree
3. Spend time in the sun and get some vitamin D
4. Find new hobbies
5. Explore new cities
6. Play video games
7. Listen to music and discover new bands that you might like
8. Watch movies that you loved or browse Netflix for new ones
9. Engage in little DIY projects around the house to make some small repairs and improve your home
10. Discover new series that will get you hooked
11. Go for a bike ride – better yet, invite some friends to make it more fun
12. Test your general knowledge using online tests
13. Do psychological tests to know yourself better and what makes you tick
14. Pamper yourself with a nice-smelling bubble bath
15. Clean the home – you’ll feel much better in a sparkling clean house
16. Tidy up your closets – you’ll save lots of time looking for stuffs when you’re running out of time
17. Make yourself some homemade face masks
18. Watch informative Youtube videos
19. Catch up with old friends
20. Hang out in a hammock – close your eyes and completely relax
21. Go out for a coffee and contemplate the sunrise
22. Take care of your skin – this doesn’t only apply to the ladies. Gentlemen need to take care of their skin too
23. Spend time with friends
24. Discover new music artists
25. Visit museums
26. Try gardening
27. Go shopping
28. Volunteer and help someone out
29. Do a ‘To Do’ list such as 100 things you want to check out or 10 places you want to see
30. Play some catchy music and dance
31. Go to a local gym or work out at home
32. Go for a walk in the park
33. Sit on a bench or on a terrace and watch people
34. Learn how to knit
35. Learn the basics of car repairs such as changing a tire or changing your windshields
36. Build a birdhouse
37. Offer to babysit for a friend so he or she can go out with the spouse and get some time off
38. Soften your skin by applying a peeling gel and then body lotion
39. Write in a journal about your experiences and feelings
40. Take a nap
41. Read a book
42. Take a nap
43. Make a video and learn how to edit it to make it perfect
44. Create a YouTube channel and start adding videos there
45. Do your laundry and then fold it
46. Redecorate your house by buying something new or just switching things around
47. Move the furniture – great workout and you can make your home look differently without spending a cent
48. Play brain games too stimulate your focus
49. Meditate
50. Research how you could be useful to your community – perhaps you can help out a neighbor or you have local associations that need a hand
51. Plan a party or just invite some friends to your place for a beer
52. Write a letter or an email to someone you deeply appreciate – it will make his or her day
53. Get yourself a coloring book and remember childhood
54. Read the latest news about your field of activity
55. Learn how to design a website
56. Bake a cake or some cookies
57. Browse through your photos – this includes very old ones
58. Do a puzzle – that will stimulate your mind and get you hooked for a few good hours
59. Listen to a podcast – there are podcasts about anything, you might find out something new
60. Clean up your computer – it might be full with files you don’t need anymore
61. Install a new version of your operating system
62. Start the projects that you’ve been postponing for months
63. \plan a trip to a faraway destination
64. Go to the library and have a look at the books and magazines you can find there
65. Make a pro-and-cons list for something that you’ve been thinking about for a while
66. Prepare lunch or dinner for your significant other or just for yourself
67. Learn how to cook your favorite takeaway foods
68. Sign up for an outdoor activity – whether it is tennis, football or anything else it will make you forget about boredom
69. Delete any apps or photos that you don’t need on your phone anymore
70. Teach yourself the Morse code
71. Look for rescue cat or dog shelters and get a pet – you’ll never be bored again
72. Write reviews for places you’ve been to
73. Google funny memes
74. Get out of your comfort zone and do something unexpected, that you haven’t done before
75. Set new goals
76. Discover the art of preparing the perfect cup of tea or coffee
77. Get adventurous and get a tattoo
78. Plan your finances better and check where you can save more money
79. Do crosswords or Sudoku
80. Donate the household items and clothes you don’t need anymore
81. Polish your resume or LinkedIn profile
82. Go to the cinema
83. Learn how to do something you’ve never done before
84. Go to a sports game
85. Attend a music concert or festival
86. Do your chores
87. Shop for bargains and update your closet
88. Explore Etsy – you might find unique items that will make you stand out
89. Post on social media
90. Write a letter to your 15-year old self and analyze what you learned
91. Watch a trilogy such as The Lord of the Rings
92. Come up with funny jokes and write them down to share them with your friends
93. Call someone to tell them you just wanted to hear their voice
94. Plant some flowers or trees in a nearby area
95. Feed the birds
96. Watch livecams from different cities that you haven’t been to yet.
97. Get your earphones on and go jogging
98. Take some very deep breaths in and out
99. Think of your dreams and how you could reach them
100. Write a story – it can be a personal one or a made-up one
The post 100 Things to Do When You’re Bored In Summer appeared first on Decoholic.